AuroraHut Glass Igloos

Travel Experiences All Year Round -project

The purpose of the Travel Experiences All Year Round (Ympärivuotinen matkailuelämys globaaliin markkinaan) -project was to create a new travel experience with a unique accommodaion prodcut, which could also be scaled to tours and activities. The fund wa used to purchase AuroraHut glass igloos, a special accommodation type which can also be used eg. as boat or be pulled by a snowmobile.

AuroraHut Glass Igloos are located in Jeris Lakeside Resort and Torassieppi Eco Reindeer Resort.

AuroraHut Glass Igoos are made in Finland.

Duration of the project: 11/2022 – 5/2023

Budget: 284 708€

Funded by EU: 71 177€